Week 3
Date: 9/27/18 Time: 4:30-6:30pm
Week #: 3
Quick Summary:
- We repositioned our lift to the more center of the robot, but it didn’t help our center of gravity problem.
What We Accomplished: When we met today, we put together a list some goals that we wanted to accomplish by Meet-O, which is in about seven weeks. The ones that pertain to the robot are the following: build a solid robot base, pick up and deposit minerals consistently, and have a team marker designed. We brainstormed ideas on how to fix our problems, and we took off the entire lift in order to remake a better one. This time, we moved it to the more center of the robot, in hopes of improving our stability problem.
Our Problems: The Kevlar rope and pulley system still has all of its problems. The move of that system more to the center of the robot didn’t help anything. During the week we’ll be thinking about these questions: How do we gather the minerals? How do grab onto and disengage from the lander more easily? We also discovered that the team marker has to have certain dimensions. Ours does not qualify.