Week 21
Date: 1/24/19 Time: 4:30-6:30pm
Week #: 20
Quick Summary:
- Corrections were made to the climbing and intake systems.
What We Accomplished: We fixed the to hook on the lift by cutting a deeper notch. Additionally, we added a leveler to the top of the robot, allowing for easier alignment when setting up before matches. It saves so much time! We also realized that part of the “flicker” on the sliding arm does not touch the ground when it is deployed into the crater, causing an occasional lose of minerals we are trying to intake. To correct this issue, we attached a cut strip of shelf liner onto the flicker, allowing all parts of the flicker to touch the ground at the same time. Time was also invested in driving practice. All of us are super excited for FTC! Thank you, God, for this exciting opportunity to learn and have fun!